Hydrogen Super Plus
1. Influence of Hydrogen on Human Body

It is a colorless gas, but it emits purple light in the plasma state.
Hydrogen is the smallest, lightest, and fastest moving element in the universe. Therefore, hydrogen is an element that can pass through all the blood vessels and cells in the human body. Hydrogen means "Water Former" in Greek.
Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who has won the Nobel Prize for discovering vitamin C, said, "Hydrogen is the fuel of life and nothing could move in the body without Hydrogen Electrons." (Hydrogen was the" Fuel of Life" and Nothing could Move in the body without Hydrogen Electrons.)
This strongly suggests that hydrogen is the most important source of energy in the human body.
Hydrogen is stored in every human cell tissue. When oxygen enters the cells, water is generated in each cell tissue and human life is maintained. Because of this biological process, the energy of the human body is released, so hydrogen is called the fuel of life. This is why as the human body becomes older, hydrogen deficiency occurs in the cell tissue, and as a result, symptoms of various aging appear.
Therefore, we must ingest the solid hydrogen anion, which is a hydrogen food, every day. Otherwise, we become dehydrogenated as if the fresh grapes were dried as time passed and it became like dried wrinkled raisins as the grapes' moisture fell off. Thus, as our bodies age, they become aging as the years go by, which means that the cells in our bodies are the result of lack of hydrogen due to lack of hydrogen.
The intake of solid hydrogen anions containing a large amount of hydrogen anions provides access to all the cells and supplies moisture to prevent aging and to quickly remove toxic active oxygen such as hydroxyl radicals that cause all sorts of diseases. Hydrogen is thus an indispensable element in preventing disease and preventing aging.
2. Why negative ions?

Generally, negative ions benefit the human body, but positive ions harm the human body. Ions (electrons: e-) become anion in a pleasant and good environment but turn into a cation (positive ion) in a polluted and bad environment.
In other words, negative ions are generated in clean air environment and forested green areas, but positive ions are likely to occur in factory smokestack, automobile exhaust, electromagnetic waves of electric products, cigarette smoke, various chemicals, and polluted rivers.
Ions weakly alkalize the blood, dilate the blood vessels, promote fatigue recovery, enhance immunity, and promote the release of waste products, but the cation plays the opposite role.
In living organisms, ions (electrons: e-) do not move unless accompanied by hydrogen. Without sufficient supply of hydrogen anions, intracellular function and intercellular communication and energy production are inhibited.
As a result, toxins and active oxygen accumulate and health is inevitably deteriorated.
No electron moves in the living system unless it is accompanied by hydrogen. In the absence of an adequate supply of negative hydrogen ions, intracellular function, intercellular communication and energy production are inhibited, toxins and free radicals accumulate and health deteriorates.

3. Hydrogen Food Hydrogen Super Plus (HSP) makes ATP.

Within every cell are a number of small energy plants, known as mitochondria. The more active the cell tissue is, the greater the number of mitochondria is. These mitochondria produce a body's energy distribution called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is a biochemical energy battery that supplies almost all the energy needed for the human body.
The stronger the immune system of our body is, the stronger the cells of the human body are. To do so, there must be a source of energy in the cells of the body. The source of energy is ATP. Therefore, when we say that we have to eat food to get energy, which means we make ATP.
In other words, electrons (e-) move along the mitochondrial electron transport chain to produce ATP molecules. The purpose of our eating is ultimately to make ATP, the source of life energy. Only the ion (electron: e-) is the material of ATP and ATP is the source of the force of the cell.
The hydrogen in the food supplies the ions (electrons: e-) and protons required to make the mitochondrial electron (ion: e-) transport chain to make ATP. We use half a pound of hydrogen (about 200 grams) to generate ATP for daily life support.
Hydrogen Super Plus(HSP) makes ATP.
Inside all cells are varying numbers of small energy factories, known as mitochondria. The more active the tissue the greater the number of mitochondria. These mitochondria produce the energy currency of the body called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Adenosine Triphosphate is a biochemical energy battery that supplies almost all the energy needs of the human body. Hydrogen produces ATP molecules by moving electrons along the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Our purpose of eating food is to ultimately create ATP, which could be called the source of life's energy. Hydrogen from food supplies the needed protons and electrons for the mitochondrial electron transport chain to make ATP. We each use about one-half pound of pure hydrogen every day just for the production of ATP. Attaching hydrogen to a molecule means lending energy to it. Since in hydrogen the electron and proton are loosely coupled, by attaching a hydrogen we essentially attach an electron.
The hydrogen anion of Hydrogen Food Hydrogen Super Plus (HSP) greatly contributes to the sufficient energy production in the cell through the mechanism of supplying ATP directly into the cell, so the cells in the human body are forced to become stronger and the immune system is forced to increase.
HSP increases ATP production, the source of energy, to promote more energy. Therefore, the long-term use of HSP, an antioxidant food, will have a greater effect.
4. Hydrogen Food HSP weakly alkalizes the human body, so it prevents aging and keeps youthfulness.

Hydrogen Food Hydrogen Super Plus (HSP) is a product that contains more hydrogen than anything on Earth.
Only three (3) capsules a day can make miraculous water to revive dying cells and to restore damaged cells to more surprising levels than a thousand-dollar-worth of medical appliances.
By taking three HSP capsules daily, we can change our body from acid to alkaline, and we can live an energetic life. If we are to get this energy from other alkaline foods that are not hydrogen anion in HSP, perhaps we should drink more than a few gallons of fresh, organic orange juice every day.
We will have all the benefits of taking alkaline food by an intake of hydrogen food HSP. In other words, it prevents the aging of bones, brains and skin, prevents DNA genetic changes, prevents various cancers, helps oxygen supply throughout the body, blocks or reduces aches and pains, supplies all cells with alkaline water and supplies energy and strengthening immunity.
5. Hydrogen Food HSP enhances the function of water in the human body and keeps our health from dehydration and its side effects.
When you drink water with Hydrogen Food HSP, or when water in the body passes through the cell membrane with hydrogen anion, the cell is hydrogenated to move the nutrients in the body from the cell to the cell and the toxin is completely released out of the cell in this biological way.
The hydrogen anion of HSP is the key to solving the function and efficacy of water as a mediator that causes nutrient absorption into the cell or excretes toxins or waste materials out of the cell. If human cells are in a dehydrated state or lack of water, they cannot absorb enough nutrients from the body and cannot completely eliminate the waste products. When these vicious cycles of metabolism in a dehydrated state of our body are repeated, it results in the accumulation of nutrient deficiencies, acidification of cells, and toxins and waste products.

The value of this product HSP is to create more moisturized water (Wetter Water) to help more nutrient absorption, better detoxification, maintain pH balance, maintain health and maintain softer, youthful skin. It also promotes hydrogen in the cell to increase agile thinking and make it have more energy.
The human body needs hydrogen to survive, and this is the key to long life and youthful living. However, due to the food produced in large quantities through chemical fertilizers in contaminated and mineral-poor soils, along with insecticide, chemical preservative, chlorine treatment and fluoride-treated drinking water, the hydrogen anion could not be obtained sufficiently. As a result, human cells have become damaged and can easily and quickly become the path of aging. However, fortunately, the hydrogen food HSP has been able to prevent dehydration and water imbalance of human body due to lack of hydrogen and to prevent aging as much as possible.
In addition, taking the HSP to maintain the balance of water in the body, as well as to help clarify thinking and help the discharge of waste materials to lower blood pressure and help treat allergies.
6. Antioxidant Function of Hydrogen Food HSP

Humans need to eat and breathe in order to sustain life, but in the process, harmful free radicals are inevitably created. In particular, the excessive exercise for the diet of modern people leads to the production of free radicals, which causes the body's cellular tissues to be constantly attacked and suffer all sorts of diseases and rapid aging process.
However, if the harmful free radicals of the human body cannot be removed, metabolic function and immune function will be deteriorated, and liver and kidney dysfunction will occur. Therefore, in order to maintain a healthy life, the removal of harmful free radicals is an essential requirement.
Nevertheless, modern eating habits, unbalanced nutrition, overwork, excessive stress, and aftermath of all kinds of diseases continue to increase the production of harmful free radicals and the need for antioxidants is increasing. Now antioxidants have become a necessity for all people living in modern era.
Free radicals in the body rushes out of the cell membrane and invades other healthy cells adjacent to it, converting the healthy cells to a reactive oxygen production plant to release more free radicals. Once a cell is damaged and dead by the effects of these reactive oxygen species, the free radicals moves back to the other healthy cells. Although our bodies produce antioxidants in their own way to repair these damaged cells and block the free radicals that cause many diseases including premature aging, the free radicals in the vicious cycle continue to increase so that the body's defense system cannot catch it up.
Hydrogen Food HSP is the most powerful antioxidant that can transform our body into an antioxidant body, maximizing the life force or Zeta potential in the cells of the body..
Hydrogen Food HSP releases hydrogen anions with strong antioxidant action, thus increasing ATP production in the cell, thereby promoting cellular energy, increasing metabolism, and reducing inflammation, pain, and swelling.
Only the antioxidant function of Hydrogen Food HSP can be the only alternative that prevents free radicals from killing our healthy cells. That is because it carries hydrogen anions into the cell much deeper than any other antioxidant.
Hydrogen Food HSP generates water as its own hydrogen anion when it neutralizes free radicals, so it completely removes free radicals with the release of waste products. However, other antioxidants products may be assimilated into free radicals or remain as waste products because they act as dehydrated antioxidants when they neutralize free radicals. For this reason, the hydrogen anion is said to be the only antioxidant that can completely eliminate free radicals.