Menoturn (Wild Yam Body Cream)
MENOTURN contains Natural Progesterone from Natural Wild Yam.
Natural Progesterone
Long before modern medicine began its current inflation with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) as the treatment of choice for Premenstrual
Syndrome (PMS), Menopausal Symptoms (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, reduced libido, depression and mood swings) and Osteoporosis, cultures throughout the world had significant success with the use of herbal remedies.
In 1936, researchers were stunned by the discovery that PMS, breast cancer and many other “western” illness, were virtually unknown in the Trobriand Islands--a remote chain in the South Pacific. Their health “secret” was found to be a high concentration of wild yam which made up 70-80% of the local
diet. This particular food family (Dioscoraea) – of which the Wild Mexican Yam is a potent example – contains significant concentrations of diosgenin, one of nature'’ finest sources of natural Progesterone.
Progesterone has often been called “the forgotten hormone” because its major function is to help the body produce and regulate certain other steroid hormones including cortisol, aldosterone, estrogen and testosterone. This simply means that Progesterone is a precurser hormone which can be converted by the body, as required, into the other essential steroid hormones.
If the body is deprived of its required amount of Prgesterone, the production of the other related hormones can be severely imbalanced.
However, taking Progesterone will not create an excess of these other hormones. Rather, it acts as a normalizer by helping to decrease any excess or correct any deficiency.
Health practitioners are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of using natural Progesterone compared to its synthetic, bioengineered counterparts. These laboratories made substances such as Progesterone, Progestins and Gestogens are all chemically based on Progesterone, but molecularly altered so that they might be patentable and marketed as a brand name drug.
Unfortunately, this process has altered the natural Progesterone chemical configuration and has, in some cases, resulted in dramatic negative side
effects. Progesterone in pill or tablet from has not proven effective as it is almost completely broken down by the digestive process before it ha been able to enter the blood stream.
However, researchers have shown that when properly formulated with certain specific, natural carriers, Progesterone can effectively be administered
through a mild skin cream. This provides a safe, pleasant and efficient way to help the body itself – gently and in total harmony with the way nature was designed to work.
Many women have found natural Progesterone to be one of the most important products they have ever used. It has already become an essential part
of the practice of a great many health professionals who are daily learning more about this remarkable gift of nature.
The functions of Progesterone include:
1. Maintaining secretory endometrium.
2. Normalizing zinc and copper levels.
3. Protecting against breast fibrocysts.
4. Restoring proper cell oxygen levels.
5. Being a natural diuretic.
6. Protecting against endometrial cancer.
7. Helping use fat as energy.
8. Helping protect against breast cancer.
9. Being a natural antidepressant.
10.Stimulating osteoblast-mediated bone building.
11.Normalizing blood clotting.
12.Being necessary for survival of embryo and fetus throghout gestation.
13.Restoring libido.
14.Helping normalize blood sugar levels.
Progesterone is made up of small, fat-soluble molecules and is well absorbed through the skin. It is absorbed at first by the fat layers just under the skin and is then diffused throughout the body via blood circulation. Initially, In Progesterone deficient individuals, much of the Progesterone will be absorbed by the body fat. In time, fat levels reach saturation and continued doses result in increased blood levels of Progesterone and a stronger physiological effect. Thus some women notice results right way, while for others it may take up to three months.
Progesterone and estrogen levels rise and fall during the normal menstrual cycle. However, if Progesterone is deficient or estrgen is dominant, symptoms of PMS may occur.
Some common symptoms are:
breast tenderness
water retention
mood swings and headaches
Natural Progesterone can help bring the Progesterone/estrogen ratios back into balance, thus helping to reduce these
symptoms. Since every woman’s body is different, the correct amount of natural Progesterone cream will vary. Some women will require more than
others. Star with the following schedule and adjust as needed.
Using the calendar schedule, Day 1 is the first day of menstrual flow.
Generally, the time from ovulation to menstruation is 12-14 days. (for example, in the 28 day cycle, ovulation occurs on day 14.
In a 35 day cycle, ovulation occurs on day 21.)
Natural Progesterone should be used from ovulation until the onset of your period. The actual time of ovulation can be determined by a dramatic change in the basal temperature (a sudden fall and then rise) and by a change in vaginal secretion (from a thin discharge to a thick mucous).
Some women also experience lower abdominal pains during ovulation.
It is not necessary to use natural Progesterone cream while menstruation occurs, unless symptoms are severe.
For severe symptoms
Use natural Progesterone cream until symptoms dissipate. If you experience severe cramping, try rubbing natural Progesterone cream on your
abdomen. If you have migraines during your cycle, rub the cream on the back of your neck.
It is best to begin using natural Progesterone cream at the time of ovulation. However, if symptoms occur, you may begin using the natural Progesterone on the 7th day ofmenstruation.
As time goes by and symptoms begin to decrease, try gradually using less of the natural Progesterone cream each month. Ultimately you want to be
symptom free. If symptoms return, use the cream as before, again trying to use less until the cream is no longer needed. If symptoms then appear
periodically, the natural Progesterone cream can be used on as a needed basis.
As menopause occurs naturally, hormone production from the ovaries tapers off, usually characterized by irregular periods, mood swings, vasomotor flushes (night sweats, hot flashes), vaginal dryness and irregular periods.
Symptomatic relief may also be obtained in cases of “surgical menopause”, which may occur after a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) and oophorectomy (removal of ovaries).
All women experience menopause differently and some may need more Progesterone than others.
The following calendar schedule is a guide to the amount to be used. You can adjust the amounts to your own needs.
In the case of vaginal dryness, 1/4-1/2 teaspoon may be applied once a day intravaginally.
This may be in addition to or instead of your daily applications.
Hot Flashes
In the case of severe hot flashes or night sweats use 1/4-1/2 teaspoon every 15 minutes for one hour or until symptoms subside.
Some women find that they must use 1/2 teaspoon twice a day, every day for continual relief.
Keep in mind it may take two or three months for enough natural Progesterone to build up in the body to have a significant effect.
In cases where symptoms have not subsided for some time with natural Progesterone use,
it may be necessary to use estrogen as well for a limited time.
Consult your health professional.
Bones are the living mineralized support tissue of the body. Since bone naturally ages, the body is constantly replacing old bone with new
bone. As old bone is absorbed by the osteoclast cells in your new marrow, new bone replacement is made by the osteoblasts. This way, bones can
strengthen, heal themselves if damaged or broken, and can remain strong throughout life.
Estrogen is necessary for the osteoclasts to properly absorb bone. Therefore, supplemental estrogen may help slow down bone loss. Progesterone on the other hand, is responsible for proper osteoblast function: the making of new bone. Thus, supplementation of natural Progesterone can be very helpful in osteoporosis.
It may be advisable to be tested for actual bone density before you begin using natural Progesterone cream in order to establish a standard from which to measure changes in the bone density.
Two of the best methods to determine bone density are the serial photon absorptiometry (DPA) and the duel energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).
These tests can be taken at 6 month intervals to monitor bone growth. Testing, however, is not necessary to use natural Progesterone cream.
For individuals with mild osteoporosis or for the prevention of osteoporosis, use approximately half of a jar over a month skipping the first seven days. This would be slightly less than 1/4 teaspoon per day. In the case of severe osteoporosis, a full 4 oz. tube or more should be used, skipping the first seven days.
The following is suggestion for using natural Progesterone for osteoporosis and should be adjusted to your needs.
Progesterone and Cancer
Breast and endometrial cancer are two of the greatest fears, along with osteoporosis, that women face as they approach menopause. These fears,
under present circumstances, are well warranted. However, they need not be.
When the cause of any given cancer is known, prevention becomes a reality.
Lung cancer, for example, can be almost completely prevented by never smoking cigarettes. Among many cancers, the cause is still unknown.
However, for breast and endometrial cancer, a great deal is known about its major hormonal factors. The only mystery is, why hasn’t this information permeated the halls of contemporary medicine? The carcinogenic effects of unopposed estradiol and estrone, and the anti-cancer benefits of estriol and
Progesterone are well established for these two cancers.
Because of its many benefits, its great safety, and particularly its ability to oppose the carcinogenic effects of estrogens, natural Progesterone deserve far more attention and application than generally given in the prevention and care of women’s health problems today.
To Use:
Apply the MENOTURN and massage into your skin until it is noticeably absorbed. You can use natural Progesterone on any part of your body, but it is
recommended on the largest possible areas of relatively thin skin, such as the inner arms and thighs, the face and neck, the upper chest and the abdomen. Rotating among various skin sites daily will help with maximum absorption. One 4 oz. tube is designed to last approximately one month.
Although there are no reported side effects to the use of natural Progesterone, it is advisable to seek the help of a health professional in the use of any supplemental program.
There have been reports of incidental spotting which may be associated with Progesterone use.
However, this is usually temporary. Any persistent or irregular bleeding should always be checked by a physician.
Since some PMS and menopause symptoms may be due to other than Progesterone deficiency causes, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a
health care provider, especially if symptoms persist.
Natural Progesterone can often help with hypothyroidism. If you are taking thyroid supplements or medications your health care provider should be made aware of your use of Natural Progesterone.
Many women retain layers of subcutaneous fat in the body often due to estrogen dominance.
Since the use of Natural Progesterone helps to balance estrogen levels, another benefit that many women may experience is the reduction of fat levels in the body.